Did you guys know they were electric ambulances in the 1900s?!
I learned about it last year in U.S. History II, Crazy Stuff. To even think we had electric automobiles 100 years ago and the huge corporate gas companies buried the plans to these? Imagine what we'd have right now.
We'd have hover cars, robots in our houses, and we would be so much more advanced. Shame the qualities humans that hold us back. Greed, jealousy, anger, and other qualities that make our people not be at their best. Kind of makes me wonder what America would be right now. Kids in the 1960s and such thought that we would have hover cars by the 2000s.
I could have a talking house and be able to fly to school like The Jeffersons- yes, that cartoon with all the futuristic stuff in it. Life would be so much easier right now. We could already have colonies on Mars and underwater, replenish our food supplies, I don't know! The Possibilities are endless.
I wish that our emotions and characteristics- our negative qualities- didn't hold us back like this. We are advancing much more than I ever thought we would, iPhones, iPads, Electric Cars, etc. But Guys, Imagine if we continued from Electric Cars from the 1900s when McKinley, a U.S. President was assassinated at the Worlds' Fair and his Vice President Theodore Roosevelt took his place. What would happen guys?
Did you also know; There was a guy that invented a car that could operate SOLELY on Water- Yes, Good Old H20. Word is he was mysteriously poisoned at a dinner and the plans he made could not be found. The Gas Companies prevented this from being made,why so? They would not make any money! Greed at its finest, leads to shortcomings like these. :( ( I could have a Water Car right now).
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